Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
The Method.
Gotta say, I wasn't quite sure where he was going with this. Other than the fact that my sweet oldest girl had commented minutes prior:
"THAT was the best toast I have ever eaten in my life."
So, the odds were pretty darn good that Steve thought highly of the toast/breakfast that I prepared for him. Something about me preparing breakfast for him I think was really the exciting part---then add to it a really good piece of toast?! Yeah, he's loving me right now.
This toast is nothing special really. It is all in the method in how you make it. And if you check here, PW has a very in-depth, explicit post on how to make cinnamon toast. It is quite entertaining and never did I think it would matter so greatly how you make your cinnamon toast.
But oh it does people. I think some of the added shabang is the vanilla. And the gobs of butter may have something to do with it too...
And if you use 100% Double Fiber Whole Wheat bread, you won't feel so bad eating half a loaf. At least that's what I'm telling myself.
Breakfast doesn't get much easier. Put your toaster away.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Potato Leek Pizza

I seriously do not think I have ever knowingly eaten leeks before. Crazy! But I have to say, I really like them. Aside from the fact I had know idea what I was looking for in the grocery store. Really leeks are like a huge green onion. Like gigantic. But with a very mild almost "onion" type flavor but not. It is hard to describe. Nevertheless, they are tasty in a dish---and especially in this pizza we made last night.
I will tell you, I can not find the recipe on PW's website--but it's in her cookbook. Get one today if you don't already have one!!!
Potatoes on pizza? Hmmm. It worked! The recipe called for 3 potatoes, but I used only one small potato sliced super thin. Not huge potato eaters here, but they added some interest and texture and you wouldn't want to leave them out. Pair that with fresh mozzarella, goat cheese, leeks, and bacon...and there you have it. A pizza like no other pizza you've ever had. Flavorful and fun! And it looks like a gourmet pizza!!
My kiddos are not super picky, but I did bake a cheese pizza along side of this one. The leftovers of the pizza does not include one slice of cheese pizza if that tells you anything. But for adult food lovers, this pizza was a hit! If you want the recipe--get HER cookbook! Or give me a call.
****For the health concious of the group. I made this pizza crust using half wheat flour. Also substituted turkey bacon for the real bacon. And it was good! The pizza crust seemed to bake up much crispier---which I liked. And ate to my heart's desire...*****
Monday, April 26, 2010
Thinking Fish for supper...

Gotta love those pics off the cameras, huh? Landon and Steve had a fun evening out last night and Landon was all smiles and giddy when he got home. All because of that fish. Which by the way, will not be eaten for supper. That fish is back in his natural habitat. You know, growing a little bit bigger so it can feed a family of six...
Friday, April 23, 2010
What? MExican Lasagna?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Petite Vanilla Bean Uh-Oh's!

And you know what? He absolutely loved it. I can not even imagine how good the real scones would be...
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Chicken with Tomatoes and Garlic

Monday, April 19, 2010
Gotta Love the Weekends...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Oh Murphy!

Monday, April 12, 2010
Coq Au Vin--Excuse me?

Ok, got it. It's a dish of chicken cooked in red wine. And that's right. It's exactly what it is. Coq au vin is a flavorful French dish---wow a French dish---never cooked a French dish!?!
A Berry is a Berry

Thursday, April 8, 2010
An Herbal Hooray!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Oh Herb, how I love thee...

But, I will give you a hint:
I could not have made this without them. And this chicken will be our new way of eating a roast chicken from now on. Truly, I have never had such moist white meat before! It was grand.
And because I made two chickens, I will be making Chicken Spaghetti for my freezer tomorrow. And maybe, just maybe I will even have enough left over for Chicken Salad Sandwiches.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Citrus Dressing and Bierocks

Also, tonight I was really craving a citrus dressing to eat on my salad. So I popped on over to PW's Tasty Kitchen and found this. I made my own salad, but used this citrus dressing. I thought it was great for something different and to my surprise, each of the kiddos ate it. Granted, they did not have seconds on salad, but hey!
Monday, April 5, 2010
An Easter Bunny Tribute

I would have to agree with PW that Carrot Cake seems like a very appropriate dessert during the Easter season. We celebrated Kassidy's 10th birthday the other night--although today is her actual birthday--Happy Birthday Kassidy! As I said in the previous post, I made lemon and strawberry cupcakes and decided to make a Carrot Cake as well. Neither Steve or I would ever opt to eat Carrot Cake but it was kind of fun to do something different, and the cake turned out good. For those of you Carrot Cake lovers, you will be impressed. I used a large sheet cake pan and I think I would use a slightly smaller one so the cake would be a little bit thicker. It was moist and had a nice mild spicy flavor. And an added bonus: 2 cups of veggies in the cake batter!
I think my children would rather eat their carrots raw like the Easter bunny though...
Thursday, April 1, 2010
You won't Believe it!

- main dishes (37)
- breakfast (29)
- desserts (25)
- breads (15)
- Just for fun (9)
- sandwiches (8)
- appetizers (7)
- soups (6)
- side dish (5)
- bread (4)
- chicken (3)
- pasta (3)
- potato side dish (3)
- cookies (2)
- dips (2)
- health (2)
- seafood (2)
- veggies (2)
- beef (1)
- casseroles (1)
- fish (1)
- fruit (1)
- pastry (1)
- pies (1)
- salad dressing (1)
- salsa (1)
- smoothies (1)