Are these recipes keeping you at the perfect pound? Do you have more perfect pounds than you would like? It is January, and instead of blogging about weight loss tips, treadmills, gym memberships, elliptical trainers, P90x, and weight watchers meetings, I am
heavily getting in
belly deep with
her recipes.
I know some of you may be a little freaked out by the amount of butter, heavy whipping cream, sweetened condensed milk, whole milk, half and half, sour cream, and cheese that you may have seen in some of these recipes. But please don't bill me for your weight watchers register's fee, or your gym membership... Someone told me not too long ago "the first bite tastes the same as all the rest of the bites, so don't worry about all of the other bites if you've had your first--you know what it tastes like!" I thought that was a good bit of advice. a bit wasteful, perhaps, but none-the-less some good advice. Just thought I'd pass that along...
Did I have you all worried? This post is
NOT about weight loss, gym memberships, or elliptical trainers. It
IS all about
Perfect Pound Cake. Have any of you ever made a pound cake from scratch? What did you serve it with? I personally thought
Perfect Pound Cake was delicious!
It has a just a very hint of lemon and a wonderful moist texture. I loved the crusty outside edge the best, but unfortunately for me, most of it stuck on to my bundt pan. I really thought I had sprayed the thing 'til kingdom come, but apparently not enough. So, my only gripe was that it
WAS NOT PRETTY coming out of the pan. So when I took it to my inlaws the other night, it didn't scream
Perfection like its name implies. But looks aren't everything, right?
Perfect Pound Cake is a great basic pound cake that can be served with anything you can dream up. We had a yummy fresh blueberry sauce (made by my MIL), and whipped cream. I loved it and will definitely be making it again. The Sprite was so fun to pour in! I may make it again, but I do know that Kourtney will not be eating it, Landon will take a few bites, Kassidy will have seconds, and Nat will lick the batter.
Seriously, folks--make
Perfect Pound Cake the next time you need to take a dessert somewhere or just need something sweet at home. I
pounded down 2 pieces with a cup of coffee on my way to witness the miracle of
SIX babies being born yesterday on my niece's birthday (
HAPPY 9th BIRTHDAY, ELLEN!) Yep, you all did listen and decide to have babies. Thank you.