Before I even get in to this whole experiment that was conducted today, I must clarify a few things that I believe to be true: (disclaimer: this does not necessarily make them true, just what I believe to be true-)
1.) It is morally wrong to use margarine EVER!! Please use butter when ever you see that word. Butter is all natural, cooks better, bakes better, and tastes better!!
2.) There is not a place for instant coffee in this house and never will be. Especially if a recipe calls for just a teaspoon!
3.) Chocolate Chip cookies should not make you poop.
There. Thank you for letting me get that off of my chest. And now I will proceed with the experiment with the modifications I have made to her chocolate chip cookie recipe.
Let me begin by saying that my mom has got the best chocolate chip cookie recipe that I NEVER stray from. My kids love them, but not near as much as Steve. In fact, when I make them, it makes about 4 dozen so I stick the remainder in the freezer. I am not kidding when I tell you that they do not last more than a week. And it's not my kids digging them out of the freezer...
When I saw Good Ol’ Basic Chocolate Chip Cookies I've gotta admit, I skimmed over them and thought, forget it. I've got the only recipe I need. But the more I thought about it, the more intrigued I became with Good Ol’ Basic Chocolate Chip Cookies and so here we are on this drab, dreary day. Two different recipes awaiting the results of the critics final determination...
My modifications to Good Ol’ Basic Chocolate Chip Cookies are as follows:
**I used a full cup of butter instead of half margarine. If you want to know why, ask me!
**I used a tbsp of strong brewed coffee instead of instant coffee granules. Added a tad more flour to even out the extra liquid.
**When I think of flax seed I think fiber. And when I think fiber, I think how many darn times is Landon going to be in the bathroom today. Putting my selfish thinking aside, I broke down and put the 2 Tbsp. of flax seed in my cookie dough. Only I bought the flax seed that was already ground--I don't think hers was ground. So as far as providing added crunch/texture, mine did not. Adding extra toilet paper? Maybe...that is yet to be seen.
Here is the verdict!!! The critics have spoken:
Kassidy said "They have a different feeling (texture) to them. Did you put cornbread in them?"
Kourtney said "I LOVE them!" (keep in mind, there's really not a cookie she doesn't like"
Landon said "I like both kinds of cookies"
Natalie said "I like them both, but kind of like yours better"
I am taking them to the biggest cookie critic of all right now. I"ll let you know what he thinks. I think they are actually very good. And I'd make them again.
Will Good Ol’ Basic Chocolate Chip Cookies replace my mom's recipe? Probably not. But I am guessing these won't last in my freezer any longer than the others.
1 comment:
Steph just dropped Kourtney and Landon by my office along with this new sample of chocolate chip cookies while she spends loads of money getting groceries for her PW recipes....Good Grief! As far as the new recipe...I think the cookies taste great and will have to put my final approval on them once everyone goes to bed and I can raid the freezer to make sure they taste the same late at night. This critic will keep you posted on that experiment!
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