Olive Oil Cakes with Lemon and Thyme I almost skimmed over it because I did not have any fresh thyme on hand (imagine that, ha!). But as I read throught the recipe, she said she thought rosemary would be just as good. DING DING DING!!! I have fresh rosemary. And therefore, I was going to make
Olive Oil Cakes with Lemon and Thyme.
I will be honest here in saying that I did not like using a blender to mix these up. I would have rathered just used a good old mixing bowl and wooden spoon. I'm not sure that wouldn't have done a better job anyway. I was irritated because when I went to pulse it, it bubbled out the top leaving me with a huge mess. The sugar stuck to the bottom of the blender and I almost chopped up a spatula trying to scrape it all around the sides. Can you tell I was irritated with the blending process of
Olive Oil Cakes with Lemon and Thyme?
Olive Oil Cakes with Lemon and Thyme?
My favorite part about these cakes was using a fresh lemon. Again with my fresh ingredients, I know. I do know now that I need to get a better zester which would have made my life easier. I was also a bit intimidated by the rosemary and probably didn't use enough to make a difference. I could barely taste it. So what we ended up with was a very strong, "lemony" cupcake with an even stronger "lemony" icing. I thought they were good. They baked very pretty, and came out of the muffin tins super. 
Natalie and Kassidy got in on the action of icing them and did a good job. Each of them enjoyed the muffins, Kourtney thought they were "ok", and Landon took one bite and gave me the face like he just bit in to a straight lemon. Steve did not even try them to my knowledge--he is NOT a lemon person. So, sorry PW--I did not enjoy the process of making them, and they didn't knock my socks off to where I want to make them again. If ever I am in the mood for lemon, I'll eat the Perfect Pound cake and leave the
Olive Oil Cakes with Lemon and Thyme for someone who enjoys using their blender.
Olive Oil Cakes with Lemon and Thyme for someone who enjoys using their blender.
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