It has been EXTREMELY hot here this summer. So hot, that you don't even like thinking about turning your oven on. In fact, I've had a hard time getting Steve to even grill anything. It's CRAZY!
One thing we made a bunch of this summer is homemade ice cream. I have my tried and true favorite...you know, one that you make so many times that you don't even have to look at a recipe. The kind of recipe that Steve knows exactly what ingredients to get at the grocery store without even asking. It's that kind of recipe. We've made it for a couple of different parties we've had at our house and I anticipate it will join the menu of an upcoming fish fry.
I don't mess with those kind of recipes. Although, I do get bored. So when I saw this on PW's site, I was excited to give it a try. I love cherries and thought a cherry sherbet would go nicely at this Sunday school party along side all the rest of the homemade ice cream from others.
My kids all tried it. And gotta say...they would probably opt for the good old vanilla. In fact, when I say tried it, it was just a spoonful from a couple of them. Natalie, Steve, and I thought it was really good. And if you like cherries, you'll love this recipe. I'm betting you could use just about any fruit too. Hopefully the long, hot, days of summer are about over. But until then, don't cook. Eat ice cream! (or sherbet)